One of my favorite speakers and authors, Andrew Davis, tells us to create moments of inspiration in our marketing.
Create moments of inspiration.
That sentence seems so simple. Too simple almost. But while the words may be simple and straightforward, implementation is much harder.
You see, it's not just a rule, or a best practice, or even a mantra. It's four words that put so much responsibility on us writers and marketers.
Ever since I heard him say that phrase, it's always on top of mind. I can't get away from it; that's how powerful it is.
Anyone can create a campaign or come up with clever marketing to push a product, but to inspire? That's not very easy at all. That takes commitment.
Anyone can get someone to buy this or that if what you are selling is any good. But once you commit to inspiring the people you want to impact…well, that's quite the task.
When you get someone to buy your product or service, you've completed a transaction together. When you view people as customers, you have to fight for those transactions over and over again.
But when you inspire your audience, that's a whole 'nother relationship. Inspiration is what keeps them coming back for more month after month and year after year.
You are not just delivering them a product or service worth their investment of time and money. Now you are changing your customer's life. When you inspire, you are standing next to your customer or prospect all year long and cheering them on. You are encouraging them to challenge themselves.
When you do that, you not only advance the individual, but you improve your entire industry. It also changes your organization. Inspiration becomes a habit. It fosters creativity. Inspiration encourages everyone to up their own game. It makes you strive to do more. To inspire even more people.
I saw evidence of this at IMTS while spending time in the Smartforce Student Summit. There I saw exhibiting company representatives sitting side-by-side with students of all ages, excited about the manufacturing opportunities. All these people were inspiring the next generation to build the future of manufacturing.
These kids were not going to be purchasing million-dollar equipment anytime soon. But by inspiring them, these companies were creating a better workforce for tomorrow. They were advancing an entire industry.
I encourage you to re-read Andrew's charge. No, don't just read it, say it out loud.
Create moments of inspiration.
I won't even tell you to take some time this week and think about how you might do that yourself. That little earworm has entered your psyche, and there is no way to avoid it. It's going to rub at you continuously. Like me, it's likely all you'll be able to think about.
Then the magic will begin to happen. Nothing you do will be good enough if it doesn't inspire.
If you enjoyed reading this and would like to inspire your customers, let's talk.
I can write and provide content that will inspire your customers for your weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly newsletter. (Sample)
Photo Credit: Christos Tsoumplekas (Back again!) via Compfight cc