Call Me: 610.331.2781
Publishers and Content Agencies
Are you looking for an experienced freelance writer to handle a particular assignment? I take deadlines seriously; I've never missed one yet.
While I enjoy writing, I also love reporting and talking to sources. Give me a general topic, and I'll come back to you with a well-thought-out pitch.
I do write for corporate clients, but will let you know immediately of any potential conflicts.
Topics I Cover:
Industrial Tech
S.T.E.M. Education
Manufacturing Workforce and Apprenticeships
Industrial Software
Commercial and Institutional Building
Note about living wages:
The B2B publishing industry routinely pays its writers a rate that is impossible to live on and one that is simply shameful. The entire business model relies on content, yet writers are some publishers' least-valued assets when they should be valued the most. If you are paying freelance writers 50 cents per word, you better just be expecting them to write off a press release. If you are looking for a heavily reported piece with multiple sources, $2 per word is the bare minimum you should be offering. If you cannot afford that you are in the wrong business.